It Can Get Moody

It Can Get Moody

Have you ever considered how what hangs from the walls in your office affects you? Well, it does. Check out this article from on how to create a workspace that calms or energizes, but makes you happy and productive. Click below to share one of your...
Museum Secrets

Museum Secrets

It seems there are lots of secrets in the art world. Just when I thought the Mona Lisa was a one-and-only creation, I discovered this in a WSJ article. Check it out. Send me a picture and/or a brief story to share in an upcoming newsletter or post!
Gardens Aglow

Gardens Aglow

Gardens Aglow at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens is always a sight to see and experience! During this Season of Light, immerse yourself in its beauty with a visit to botanical gardens near you.
Artistic Immersive Experience

Artistic Immersive Experience

If you haven’t, yet, gone to an artistic immersive experience, you must. We’ve been to the Van Gogh 360˚ exhibit and plan to visit the Monet exhibit soon. It’s an experience that quite literally draws you in. And taking pictures and video are...
From Symbol to Food Source

From Symbol to Food Source

From symbol to food source, the pumpkin is a well-celebrated and decorated squash, especially during the fall. This firm, orange crop that blooms from a strong vine, has symbolized rebirth, fertility, and harvests for centuries. Legend holds that the tradition of...